Quality Comprehensive Dentistry in Bicester
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Superior protection for your teeth

Accidents can happen when playing contact sports. We see many damaged and knocked out teeth as a result of sports injuries that could be prevented with a mouthguard.

We offer custom mouthguards at The Old Stables, which very effectively protect teeth against damage such as chips, cracks and becoming loose. They can also help shield your jaw and soft areas of your mouth from excessive trauma.

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Bespoke mouthguards for a secure, durable fit

Our custom made mouthguards are accurately moulded for an exact fit in your mouth, giving full protection. We take scans of your teeth to ensure your mouthguard is fully effective and comfortable.

The mouthguard is created in a dental-specific laboratory using the scan to create the best fit. The material is shaped to create a snug fit and adjusted if necessary before we pass it to you.

We help you fit your mouthguard for the first time and give you some advice on how to care for it. When you are not wearing it, it is important it is kept in a hard container to prevent any damage.

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Frequently asked questions

  • Can I just buy a mouthguard off the shelf?

    ‘Boil and bite’ mouthguards, as they are known, can be bought easily and do provide protection for teeth. They come in a set shape and can be moulded at home, but are much less accurate than a mouthguard made from impressions taken by a skilled dentist. Please talk to us if you would like any more information.

  • Can I have my mouthguard made in a specific colour?

    Mouthguards are typically made of clear plastic, but can be personalised with colours of your choice if you prefer. We can even make your mouthguard in the colours of your sports team!

  • How do I clean my mouthguard?

    After every use, clean your mouthguard with a toothbrush and toothpaste to keep it lasting as long as possible. When it is out of your mouth, make sure you keep your mouthguard in a hard container to protect it.

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